Current Corona-Situation – Procedures in the practice

Dear patients, due to the current Corona situation, we would like to inform you about our policies regarding the following matters:
  1. Sick leave note

    The Coronavirus pandemic has led to closures in schools and child care institutions across Germany. Countless parents are now trying to find appropriate childcare; hence, some parents are not able to attend work as usual. We are often asked to attest sick leave by parents but also employers claiming that doctors will provide sick leave notes in such cases.

    However, a sick leave note can only be provided in case of actual illness..

    To manage our scarce resources appropriately while keeping those in mind who are actually ill, we would like to ask you to proceed as follows:

    • Consult with your employer about the option of working from home or implementing alternative working hours
    • Suggest using up accumulated overtime
    • Enquire about the option of unpaid leave
    • Check if you can take holidays
    • Ask your employer if you can make up lost hours by working longer at a different point in time

  2. Non-urgent matters

    Please do avoid coming into the office should you be healthy or have non-urgent matters to discuss to protect yourself, your relatives and all others!

  3. Acute illness

    Of course, we will assist you in case of acute illness. For simple cases of an airway or other infections without suspicion of Coronavirus, sick notes for a week can be arranged easily.

  4. Suspicion of Coronavirus

    Please reach out via phone (089 / 54 84 311-0) or email ( first, should you be suffering from an airway infection and have travelled to or from one of the risk areas or were in contact with someone who was tested positive for Coronavirus. Alternatively, contact the emergency service under the phone number 116 117.

    Please do not come to the surgery!


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